Well here is the issue. I have a 1971 Triumph GT6 that I rebuilt sometime ago and everything was working great until just this last week. When out driving my car I made a very sharp turn and my horn started blowing and when I started to straighten out of the turn it stopped blowing. My first thought was the wire on the copper ring in the steering wheel that is used to make the circuit when the horn button is pushed had either come undone or chaffed and was completing the circuit. So after checking that and found that the wire and copper ring were in good shape I then checked the rest of the wires to the horns and did not find any issues with the wires or their connections. If you have any suggestions on why and how to fix this nusence horn blowing let me know as I am stumped and it is most likely something simple that I am overlooking.
I had the same problem with my '65 MGB once. But I think it was the slip ring. On another car I had a horn that would sound when driving over bumps. It was kind of funny except that it got annoying really fast. Turned out the horn mount was flexing enough to let the hot connector short to ground, once the insulation had worn through.
Well I found that the wire to the contact ring was wraping it’s self tight around the nut that holds the steering wheel to the shaft and had worn a spot through the insulation so som heat shrink was added and the wire rerouted and now all seems well. I guess I have to blame myself for this as I am the one who installed the horn button and hub when I replaced the steering wheel a couple years ago. Time will tell if I routed the wire correctly this time plus it did not hurt to pull the horn button and hub and clean the connections and check everything. Now the next project is to replace the windshield as I have a new one sitting and waiting to install.....
Thanks for the suggestions.
Martin Keller
1971 Triumph GT6 ( A work in progress )